Words of Appreciation from Sayalay’s Students
The practice of kind words, words of appreciation and realisation, and the modern digital gathas are compiled here.
Words of Inspiritation – from Inneray at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 2013/02/20

感恩 – 楠 (Words of appreciation from Nan Li) (2013/03/21)
很歡喜能夠連續三周聆聽您的教導,學習佛法,受益匪淺,感觸良多。我終於明白爲什麽說佛法殊勝,佛法僧值得世人禮敬供養, 見僧如見佛,見僧如見法。在跟隨您的修行過程中,我對佛法的信念更加堅定。所以特別想寫信給您表達深深的感謝,同時也寫些修行體會。
關於慈悲心的理解,我認為師父是非常有慈悲心的!很多事情都看得出來師父體諒學生,愛護學生;非常無私地將自己的修行經驗 分享給學生。
師父的很多教誨對我來講很震撼,如同利劍斬斷三千煩惱絲,又如金剛鋤將根深蒂固的舊習妄念連根拔除。此次禪三後半段,我非 常的suffering,不敢面對,提不起力,真是有地獄之苦的體會。這個時候我才知道勇敢跟堅強的究竟含義。回到家中,我想起師父講過的 “see suffering as suffering”, “suffering is phenomenal “, “suffering is non-self”,suffering 竟立即消失無蹤影,原來解脫的感覺是如此酣暢淋漓。“die to reborn”,現在我真的有重獲新生的感覺。而我知道這全歸功與佛法僧,特別感謝恩師。很慶倖自己能夠遇到師父,一位真正的修行人,一位真正的大德高 僧。從您身上我更學習了何謂“堅韌不拔”,“傲骨、清風”。
在修習的過程中,不僅是修習戒定慧,同時也培養了自己的慈悲心。開始在練習metta的時候,我升起的悲心更多些,因為世 人的快樂還是重在樂欲,而貪卻是痛苦的本源。後來我才明白讓世人快樂,不僅在對峙自己的嗔心,也是對峙眾生的嗔心,並非對貪。所以現在我播撒慈愛給眾生時 能很快提起。因為讀了師傅贈的“《佛陀的九種德行》一書,所以平日也常念及佛陀的功德,觀想佛陀的種種殊勝莊嚴,更是心生崇敬,激勵自己更精進學習佛法。 我也漸漸明了四護衛禪對修行人的利益。
With Metta,
楠 合十 敬上
Message translated to English:
Dear Sayalay Susila,
It was very delightful and joyful to learn the Dhamma and practice meditation under your guidance during the last three weekends, 2013. I gained tons of benefits, not only in learning the meditation techniques, but also in experiencing the spirit of the true Dhamma. Now I am starting to understand why we say, “The Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha are precious treasures that deserve our highest respect and offering” and “Seeing Sangha as seeing the Buddha, Seeing Sangha as seeing the Dhamma”. I am writing this letter to express my deep gratitude as well as to summarize my practice experiences.
Although the retreat was quite tough, I started to realized that you actually hold the greatest compassion for the students. You learned the Dhamma and meditation through many years of extremely painful practice, and now you are sharing the best part of your precious experience selflessly with the students, guiding us in the practice of the Dhamma and meditation in an effective and enjoyable way.
I also found your teaching to be quite astonishing. It worked like a sharp sword that cut off endless vexations when they arose. It also worked like a diamond drill that eradicated my deep-rooted conventional view and settled belief. For example, during the last 3-day retreat, at one point I felt so miserable after realizing everything is impermanent. I could not face the real world surrounding me. After arriving home, I recalled that you once taught us how to contemplate suffering. You said to see “suffering as suffering”, “suffering as phenomenal”, and “suffering as non-self”. The effect was immediate after I contemplated in this way. My suffering went away in no time and I felt the great pleasure of being relieved and reborn. I have to say that I was so lucky to meet you and learn the true Dhamma from you. There was no doubt that you are an eminent member of the Sangha, one of the best—if not the best—Dhamma teacher.
During my practice, I not only learned morality, concentration, and wisdom, but also developed my compassion. In the beginning, when I practiced metta, I had more sympathy for others as they suffered due to their attachment to sensual pleasures. Later, I found out that wishing for others to be happy could help cure my aversion as well as the aversion of others. By keeping this in mind, now I can quickly radiate my best wishes to all sentient beings.
I also learned to practice the Buddha’s virtue after reading through your book, The Nine Attributes of the Buddha. I feel so motivated when thinking of the Buddha’s spiritual qualities and merits, and I am also starting to know the benefits of practicing the four protective meditations.
I am not so good at writing, plus I am often too shy to express my own thoughts. However, at this moment, I feel so motivated and inspired that I finished this letter without stopping once. Nevertheless, I would like to ask you to point out the mistakes or missing parts in my experience, if there are any.
Wish you to be Healthy and Happy!
With Metta,
Nan from America
‘Thank you very much Sayala Susila’ from ‘Fo Di Zi'” from Indonesia (2013/11/29)
From: omitted (a devotee from Indonesia)
Date: 29 November 2013 08:03:42 GMT+08:00
To: (Venerable Sayalay Susila)
Subject: Thank you very much, Sayalay Susila
Dear Venerable Sayalay Susila,
師父, 您 好?
I’m really feel lucky and glad that i could found your teaching in this life.
After i listen and learn from Sayalay through website for almost 1 year,
i feel i have change become more positive, like from the way i see all the problem in my daily life or in the work.
i use impermanence to contemplate happiness, especially the suffering.
i become more “放下” and relax with the problem.
After i join Sayalay’s retreat, my faith with Buddha’s teaching and Venerable Sayalay’s method become unshakeable.
From Sayalay’s dhammatalks, Sayalay like to share Sayalay practice experience
in order to encourage us to practice with more diligently.
But from Sayalay’s stories, i also know that to be like Sayalay now,
Sayalay already faced a lot of difficulties and challanges that are not easily passed by the ordinary people.
I’m really touch by all Sayalay’s struggle to be like Sayalay today, our teacher.
especially when Sayalay said that after six years practice, Sayalay must take two hard decision…
disrobe or continue…
And now Sayalay are here with us,
sharing all Sayalay’s knowledge and experience to us unconditionally, with compassion.
I felt there was not enough words to describe my gratitude to Sayalay for Sayalay’s compassion to us,
teaching us the true Dhamma, which are so hard to find in nowdays.
in my morning chant, I wish that Sayalay be happy, healthy whenever Sayalay are.
By listening Sayalay’s Dhammatalk, now i’m able to speak mandarin a little bit.
even my mandarin teacher after came from overseas, he also surprised with my fast progress.
Because i’m the fool one in our class. He’s very curious and then ask me what method that i use.
I said i listen to Dhammatalk at least five times for one topic.
I, myself also don’t understand why i can understand Sayalay Dhammatalk in mandarin,
because my mandarin not good.
I just do repeatedly listen for the chinese Dhammatalk, compare with the english, and ask google.
But the hardly one is the chinese proverb.
thank you Sayalay.
Sayalay, you are not only my spiritual teacher, but also my mandarin and english teacher.
In our last meeting on the retreat Sayalay told me to study more for the Sutta.
May Venerable give an guidance, from where i should start?
I really wish that i could learn under Venerable Sayalay guidance directly.
I hope we could meet again. hope we still have “fa yuan”.
Sayalay, please inform me if there is anything i could do to help Venerable Sayalay,
i will be very happy to do that.
May Venerable Sayalay Susila be well and happy.
Much metta,
~Fo Di Zi~
Words of appreciation from Malaysian Student (2014/05/01)
I would like to express my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to Sayalay for bringing so much happiness and meaning to my life, especially after having associated closely with Sayalay over the past 7 months or so.
I used to attend Sayalay’s retreats and listen to Sayalay’s dhamma talks from the CD and I always feel rejuvenated and “cured” after listening to them. Somehow, I feel I have a very strong connection with Sayalay (from a previous life, maybe) because it could be simple Dhamma advice and I may have heard it before from other teachers but somehow when Sayalay conveys the Dhamma, it just cuts through into my heart and brings so much meaning and happiness. Sayalay’s expression and delivery of the Dhamma based on personal experience is very clear, easy to understand and inspiring.
Many a time, when I feel overpowered by my defilements or when things do not seem to go right, I will reach for Sayalay’s CD or book to help me through and it always works. It is just like taking some medication when one is sick and getting cured after taking it.
I can recall one incident, some time in July last year when I was going for a major operation due to cancer. I was in the hospital waiting room alone for several hours before the nurse came to fetch me to the operation theatre. Guess what I brought with me to the hospital? Sayalay’s book “Unravelling the Mysteries of of Mind and Body through Abhidhamma.”
I purposely spent the several hours waiting alone so that I could read the book (even though I have finished reading it once). Those hours of waiting passed by quickly as I was so engrossed in the book, and the Dhamma in it keeps me calm and there was no anxiety or fear to face the operation. Instead there was much acceptance and wholesome attitude in the whole process. Of course, I could not bring the book into the operation theatre, so I had to leave it behind. I started to do metta then, while waiting, until they jabbed the anesthesia into me and I fell unconscious. The operation was a success and I had a speedy recovery.
After the operation, as I took six months’ leave (MC), I had the opportunity to do lunch dana once a week to Sayalay, and from then on, my close association with Sayalay began. It was really “living” Dhamma from then on because during the association with Sayalay, I started to learn more Dhamma from Sayalay herself rather than from the books or Cd’s. Sayalay started to correct my weaknesses, which sometimes I am not even aware of.
Even though Sayalay’s approach in teaching her student is sometimes very direct, and the “ego” gets punctured sometimes, after reflecting and realising it was due to our own stupidity and faults and that it was actually for our own benefit and part of the practice, we will take the challenge and carry on, otherwise there is no going forward.
Looking back on the past 7 months, I wonder how I would have gone through the physical and mental suffering if not for Sayalay’s companionship and guidance. I almost forgot I am a cancer patient! Now I understand the meaning and importance of a spiritual friend/mentor. Just by associating with one, our lives can fill with more wholesomeness, purpose and direction.
The two personal retreats I spent with Sayalay in November last year at Vivekavana are difficult to forget, as I have enjoyed and had a rejuvenating time under the personal guidance of Sayalay. Sayalay has asked me to practice more “metta” and it suits me well, I think I have successfully done it and experienced the benefits, but thereafter I have been slacking due to my own laziness and inconsistency, both of which are my greatest hindrances.
I must admit that I am not a good student in that I still have not practised fully all the advice and teachings given by Sayalay, but I know my understanding of the Dhamma has improved, thanks to Sayalay. Now, it is only a matter of remembering to put it into practice.
Once again, thank you, Sayalay, for giving me the opportunity to serve. Somebody told me a few months back that Sayalay has “changed” my kamma. At first, I did not understand, but now I do. It was through serving, associating with, and learning the Dhamma from Sayalay that my views and mental states have slowly changed for the better.
Many of the greatest and unforgettable lessons I have learned from Sayalay are on “contemplation of feeling,” ”investigating cause and effect,” ”non self,” ”5 aggregates,” letting go of our false thoughts and not being cheated by our own mind!
Sayalay’s personal advice to me to be more mindful, talk less, watch my mind and not be so attached is also something I treasure and try to remember to practice always, because it really does reduce much suffering. I have also learned how to enjoy pleasant feeling and yet not be attached. Similarly, not to attach to unpleasant feeling.
Thank you.
With Metta and Respect,
Your Blur Malaysia student
Words of appreciation from Bodenbach Maureen (2014/05/03)
I first heard Sayalay Susila teach the Dhamma during a pilgrimage to the Buddhist holy places in India in 2000. Those talks were so powerful it felt as if we were back in the time of the Buddha and the Teachings were directly penetrating our hearts. In fact, whatever Dhamma Sayalay teaches, my heart immediately responds without hesitation or confusion. The heart knows it’s the Truth, recognizes the Dhamma, and doubt vanishes. Once, while listening to her teach Abhidhamma, a wrong view I had long held suddenly revealed itself with utter clarity. All the suffering that had been arising from that view became so apparent, but once seen it no longer held its power and it vanished. From that, faith arose. Faith in the Dhamma. And faith in the ability of this teacher to bring the Dhamma to me in a way I would benefit from infinitely. This pattern repeats itself again and again. Each time Sayalay teaches I come face to face with a new understanding of the Dhamma that in some way directly changes my view, makes me realize my mistake, clears a path to better understand my own and others’ suffering. Sayalay reveals the meaning behind each line of a Sutta or the most difficult Abhidhamma teachings so that what you think is impossible to penetrate suddenly reveals itself and shines into your heart. Understanding grows. Faith grows. Forgiveness grows. Happiness grows. Without having met Sayalay, I feel my life would have become deeply unhappy, it would have been impossible to forgive my faults because there would be no way to see their causes and limit their effects. I feel that it’s somehow my great fortune that Sayalay makes the deepest effort to teach and hasn’t ever given up on her students, even one as infinitely frustrating as I must be! She has given me more than I can ever repay in this lifetime, and so I resolve always to practice what she teaches and make my life a blessing.
Message translated to Chinese:
我第一次听闻善戒法师教授佛法,是在2000年去印度佛教圣地朝圣的途中。法师的开示是如此强而有力,直入人心,我们仿佛又回到了佛陀时代。事实上,无论 法师教导何种法门,我的心都能毫无疑惑地立即做出回应。心知道这是真理,能辨识正法,疑惑也随之消失。有 一次,在听法师讲解阿毗达摩的时候,一个我曾经长期持有的错误观念,突然间便无比清楚地自我呈现出来。一切由错误观念而生起的痛苦都变得清晰明了,但经过 观照和纠正之后,它就逐渐失去了它的力量,进而消失了。
从那时起,我对佛法的信心生起了,。更对老师深入浅出的教学方法敬佩不已,因为老师教导佛法的方式令我无限受益。像这样的情况重复地出现。每次法师的教 导,都让我对佛法有新的理解,某种程度上直接地改变了我的观念,让我意识到自己的错误,并理清一条道路,能够更好地理解自己以及他人的痛苦。法师能讲解每 一句经文乃至最深奥的阿毗达摩的含意,使得那些你认为不可能彻知的法会突然呈现出来,照亮你的心。理解随之增长。信心随之增长。宽容随之增长。快乐随之增 长。
如果没有遇见法师,我觉得我的人生会很悲哀,我会因为不能看到前因后果而无法原谅自己的过失。我想我是非常幸运的,法师做出了极大的努力去教导佛法,并且 从未放弃过她的学生,甚至是像我一样无比沮丧的学生!她所给予我的我今生无法尽数回报,所以我决心一直按照她的教导不断修行着,来成就我此生之福!
Maureen Bodenbach, USA, 2014
Words of appreciation from Ben Zhang from USA
“It is through dealing with a person that his purity may be known, and then only after a long period, not a short period; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is discerning, not by one who is not discerning.” -Thana Sutta (Traits) Anguttara Nikaya, Book of Fours:192
The most important trait of a meditation teacher, I believe, is the purity of motivation for teaching. For if the student does not have total trust in the teacher, true sharing of something as personal as meditation experiences and spiritual questions cannot occur. On this front, I would venture to say that it doesn’t take a long period, nor someone who is very attentive or discerning, to conclude that Sayalay Susila teaches only for the benefits of others.
The purity of Sayalay Susila’s motivation for teaching is exhibited in her personal conduct as a nun and in her openness in sharing Dhamma knowledge. She often practices eating one meal a day during retreats and daily living. During retreats, she not only encourages meditation sessions to start early in the morning but is often the first one to start sitting, well before the scheduled time. Other than to give instructions, she meditates herself during all full sitting sessions. I believe that people who have the opportunity to interact and observe her are fortunate to be able to peek into a true monastic living.
On teaching the Dhamma, she is a true follower of the Buddha, who taught with an ‘open hand’. There is zero inclination of “hoarding” knowledge for present or future personal gain. She does not guard any piece of Dhamma knowledge or insight she possesses no matter how unique or special and shares them freely as fast as she thinks the audience can absorb. I’ve personally benefited and been inspired in on many occasions through her unreserved sharing of her personal meditation and insight knowledge. Her website has many invaluable talks and articles for anyone with an open mind to learn.
Given the purity of her motivation for teaching the Dhamma, it is only natural that Sayalay Susila is an effective teacher. For concentration practices, she teaches Jhana practices through mindfulness-of-breathing, four elements, and 32 parts of the body. I’m often amazed at her answers to some very nuanced questions encountered by her students during these meditations. Insight meditation, I believe, is her specialty, especially in the contemplation of feelings and mental states at the moment of arising. For something as simple as anger, I used to not know that I am angry until I feel my body temperature rising. Through some simple instructions from her, now I can observe the arising in the mind.
In I feel enormously fortunate to have immediately gained total confidence in Sayalay Susila during my very first meditation retreat five years ago, and that confidence has since been verified in the many interactions I have with her as a student and a friend. I sincerely hope that many more people will have the same good fortune to get to know her and benefit from her Dhamma teaching.
From Your devoted student, USA
Message translated to Chinese:
“只有长时期, 不是短时期的与一个人互动, 他的纯洁才能显露; 而且是必须有专注力和识别力的人的观察, 不是由散漫心或没有识别力的人的观察” (增支部4:192)
我相信一位禅修老师最重要的特色是教学的单纯动机,一个学生若对老师没有全然的信任,那自己非常私人的禅修经验和心灵的疑问便无法与对方分享。 在这前题上, 我敢说任何有专注力和分别智慧的人,不必花太多的时间就可以肯定善戒法师教学的用心是建立在利他的基础上。
身为一位出家人,善戒法师个人的日常生活行持和无私的佛法分享, 可以表露出法师弘法的热诚和单纯。在平常生活和禅修营期间,法师多数只日中一食。在禅修营期间,法师鼓励一清早就开始禅修课程,而且更以身作则,几乎每天 都是第一个还没到预定时间,就到禅堂开始静坐的人。
在教学佛法上, 法师遵照佛陀的足迹, 摊开双手全心全意的教导,没有一丝为了个人现在或未来的利益而有所保留。法师没有隐藏任何佛法知识或个人从修行中获得的智慧,不论它是如何的独特。反之, 法师很公开地与大家分享,只要她认为听众可以获益。我个人就好多次从法师毫无保留地分享她的禅修体验和智慧中获益和得到启发。法师的网站 sayalaysusila.net也流通不少十分珍贵的佛法开示供有心学习的人搜寻。
因为法师教学的动机纯正,所以理所当然的成为一个很有效率的老师。在止禅方面,法师教安般念,四大, 三十二身份。在回复学员们细微差别的禅修疑问时,我时常被法师的精辟答复所惊讶。智慧禅,我相信是法师的专长,尤其是在观感受和心生起的那一刹那。简单的 愤怒对我来说,之前是必须等到体温升高才知道自己在起嗔恨,可是经过法师简单的指导之后,我现在可以观察到心的生起。
我感觉十分庆幸能在五年前的第一次禅修营中即刻对法师生起了全然的信心,这一份信心在这一段日子里,随着我们既师徒既朋友的互动中增长。我由衷地期盼更加 多人能和我一样的幸运,可以有缘认识法师和从法师身上学习到佛法。
Words of appreciation from Neti Arbie from Indonesia
Dear Venerable Sayalay Susīlā,
I just wanted to take some time to express how much I have enjoyed listening to your dhamma talks throughout the years. I can’t think of a teacher who could have made these past years any more special than you did.
You truly are a dhamma teacher who can explain the suttas and meditation so clearly and precisely, especially in the question and answer sessions. Without your explanation, I never would understand about meditation, although I have attended many meditation classes with various teachers. Being able to count on you for extra help and clarification was really special and shows us how much you care about the happiness of your students.
I will never forget all the extra effort you put into your dhamma class/talks to enhance learning. I especially loved how you always explained the lessons very well, and every time I posted your talks on my Facebook page, it was always well-received by others and they asked for more.
Thank you for sharing the great dhamma and for always going the extra mile as a teacher. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. I also hope that Appamada Viharī Meditation Centre will be completed soon and becomes effective for the intended purpose.
Sādhu, Sādhu, Sādhu
Neti from Indonesia
Message translated to Chinese:
您确实是一名令人敬仰的佛法导师,能把佛经和禅修结合并阐释得巧妙清晰,尤其是问答环节。若没有您的诠释,就算是我曾经参与过数位不同导师所指导的禅修 营,我想根本就无法理解禅修的涵义。更难得的是:您所提供我们额外的说明,对我而言是一种锦上添花的禅修精华 。您的谆谆教诲让我深切地感受到了您对所有禅修学生的关怀和用心。
您强化了我们佛学的信念,并提升了我们对佛法的认识,我将会永远把您这份格外的用心与付出铭记于心田。我特别喜欢上您的课,因为您在每一堂授课中,都会把 佛法解释得一清二楚。每每我将之张贴在我的脸书主页时,总是深受他人的喜欢、点赞。这驱使他们想要知道更多的佛法。
感恩您分享如此殊胜的佛法、感激您不劳辞苦,千里奔波到世界各地去弘扬佛法。我无法聊表自己对您的感恩之情。我只能衷心地祈愿您的禅修中心得以早日竣工, 也希望在未来的日子里能够在您兴建的禅修中心参加您所指导的禅修营。
Words of appreciation from Kitty Johnson from USA (2014/05/11)
To Whom It May Concern:
Sayala Susila was my first monastic teacher, and since that experience I have never returned to lay teachers. She took my practice to a much deeper level in a short amount of time, even before the retreat! I began listening to on-line recordings of her USA retreats, found her words fascinating and exceedingly simple to follow. By the time I arrived for the retreat, several months later, I had already progressed by leaps and bounds. The in-person retreat again opened up new doors that I could not have imagined.
She was the first teacher I’d ever had (in 7 years of practice) who actually took a real interest in me, as a student and person, and in my personal practice and practice difficulties and accomplishments. That retreat was almost 3 years ago and I have continued to learn from her through her writings as well as on-line recordings and in-person retreat settings. She is my teacher. I will always think of her as my real and only teacher, even though I study with other monastics as well.
I believe that Sayalay Susila is a truly gifted teacher. Her knowledge is vast and her manner exudes confidence in her subject, which helped me find deep trust in her right away. She knows her subject. She cares deeply about her students. She is joyful and happy in imparting what she knows and in encouraging all to succeed. She is patient with everyone, sincerely wanting to be sure everyone understands what she is saying.
I could write pages, but I will simply say that if you get the opportunity to study with her, do so. You won’t regret it.
Kitty Johnson
Translated to Chinese:
善戒师父是我的第一位出家师父,自从第一次的接触经验后,我就不再向在家居士学习了。在还没参加禅修营前,我的个人修行已经被她带进一个更深的境界。开始 时, 我是透过老师以前在美国禅修营的网上佛法录音, 发觉到老师的法语能引人入胜,而且方法容易学习。在接触老师的佛法录音到参加禅修营前,我已经进步神速。后来,我亲自去参加老师指导的禅修营,这明智的举 动更开启了我意想不到的门槛。
在我修行的七年里,她是第一位对我身为一个学生,不论在我个人修学经验的困难或成就中,感兴趣的老师。第一次的禅修营是在三年前,我现在还继续在老师的著 作,网上录音和禅修营中学习。她是我的老师。 我会永远地把她当作我真正和唯一的老师,虽然我也与其他僧众一同学习。
我相信善戒法师是一位真正有天赋的老师。老师的知识是如此渊博,她对她的教学所流露出的自信,让我即刻对她深信不疑。她精通佛法。她很关心她的学生。老师 很开心并乐意传授她的学问,也鼓励大家努力达到成功。老师对每一个人都很有耐心,也诚心诚意期盼大家明白她所教导的。
我可以继续写很多面, 但我只简单地想说,如果您有机会向她学习的话,请把握机会, 您是不会后悔的。
Kitty Johson, USA, 2014.
Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!