Personal Retreat 个人禅修

Personal Retreat 个人禅修


[17th March 2025] Please note that at the moment, due to Sayalay’s tight schedule, we are closing yogi’s application for Personal Retreat until further notice. Thank you for your kind understanding 🙏🙏🙏


We are pleased to announce that Appamada Vihari Meditation Center is also opened for experienced meditator/practitioner who wishes to stay here for Personal Meditation Retreat. The Personal Meditation Retreat can be either with guidance (by Sayalay or assistant teacher) or personal self-retreat without any guidance.

  • Instructions are mainly in English and Mandarin
  • Audio CDs and Dhamma books are available both in English and in Chinese.
  • All practitioners are expected to observe 8 Precepts and all the AVMC rules & regulations
  • We apologize that we are unable to accept those with serious health problems, such as clinical mental disorder, contagious diseases, degenerative diseases requiring special attention, etc.
  • Approval is subject to space availability, and our teacher availability for guided personal meditation retreat.

To apply, please read the instructions below before submitting the application form :-

Please also refer to the general AVMC Retreat Rules and Regulations (which is applicable to all retreats).

If you any questions, please email us at or write to us using the online Contact Us form below.

Dhamma Talks (Self-study for Personal Retreat participants)

  1. How to practice loving kindness
  2. How to practice Metta Bhavana
  3. Anapanasati 
  4. Concentration
  5. How to deepen concentration
    1. Benefits of concentration(1)
    2. Benefits of concentration(2-3)
    3. Benefits of concentration(3)
  6. Four Elements Meditation
  7. Contemplation of Feeling
  8. Contemplation of Mind
  9. Moment to moment practice
  10. How to practice mindfulness while eating
  11. Mindfulness of breathing for beginners
  12. The Power of Mind 


  1. 中国双灵寺_慈心禅
  2. 出入息的修法
  3. 美國洛杉機-安般念止禅指導
  4. 美國洛杉機–安般念止禅的修行法門
  5. 四念处之修行工作坊
  6. 随观心法
  7. 美国洛杉机–杀那杀那之修行
  8. 美国菩提学会–毒蛇经
  9. 新加玻净名_修行的道路

May your time here at our meditation center be a beneficial one, and may it be the condition of your realisation of Nibbana.

Sādhu !  Sādhu !  Sādhu !

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