3-Day Mindfulness & Metta Meditation Retreat 三日正念和慈心禅修营

Date (日期) : 1st to 3rd June 2024 (2024年6月1日至3日)

Venue地点: AVMC Penang

Check-in (入营):1st June 2024 @ 9 a.m. (2024年6月1日 早上9点)
Check-out (离营):3rd June 2024 @ 5 p.m. (2024年6月3日 下午5点)
Closing Date for Registration (报名截止日期 ):11th May 2024 (2024年5月

Sis Ai Poh (+60-12-4938277)

Registration报名: https://forms.office.com/r/aMsgn0Pzns

Kusala Day 24-March-2024

The month’s Kusala Day would be on 24th March, Sunday.

Dhamma Talk starts at 10.30am, followed by Lunch Dana. Do bring some food to offer and share, ya. ☺🥙🍜

If you are keen to self-practise Meditation, you may come as early as 8.30am.

Details are in the poster attached. See you then.🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

祝福各位贤友 三月吉祥!🎊🪷🎉🥰
今月 善心之日 是在 3月 24日(星期日)

佛法讲座于上午 10.30 开始,随后是午餐布施。请带一些食物来提供布施和分享,哦。 ☺🥙🍜

如果您热衷于自我练习禅修,您可以早在上午 8.30 就来。

详情见所附海报。到时候见。  🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰

Online Dhamma Talk (March 2024)

🎤 Join Us for an inspiring Online Dhamma sharing by Sayalay Susila! 🌟

📅 Date: Sunday, 10th March 2024 & 31st March 2024
🕒 Time: 8pm

💬 Theme:
The path to Arahantship and Sammasambuddha, Any difference?
Ten Paramis – Requisites to Sammasambuddha.

No registration required.

To attend, please join either Zoom or Facebook Live:
Zoom: http://tiny.cc/SayalaySusila-2024
Facebook Live: https://tiny.cc/TBCMfb

The event is jointly organised by TBCM, Appamāda Viharī, Seremban Sudhamma and Mahasatipatthana MSBS

For more details:
Bro Terence 012-209 8986

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