[Sutta] Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.57
Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.57
Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhānasutta (Themes)
“Bhikkhus, there are these five themes that should often be reflected upon by a woman or a man, by a householder or one gone forth. What five? (1) A woman or a man, a householder or one gone forth, should often reflect thus: ‘I am subject to old age; I am not exempt from old age.’ (2) A woman or a man, a householder or one gone forth, should often reflect thus: ‘I am subject to illness; I am not exempt from illness.’ (3) A woman or a man, a householder or one gone forth, should often reflect thus: ‘I am subject to death; I am not exempt from death.’ (4) A woman or a man, a householder or one gone forth, should often reflect thus: ‘I must be parted and separated from everyone and everything dear and agreeable to me.’ (5) A woman or a man, a householder or one gone forth, should often reflect thus: ‘I am the owner of my kamma, the heir of my kamma; I have kamma as my origin, kamma as my relative, kamma as my resort; I will be the heir of whatever kamma, good or bad, that I do.’
(1) “For the sake of what benefit should a woman or a man, a householder or one gone forth, often reflect thus: ‘I am subject to old age; I am not exempt from old age’? In their youth beings are intoxicated with their youth, and when they are intoxicated with their youth they engage in misconduct by body, speech, and mind. But when one often reflects upon this theme, the intoxication with youth is either completely abandoned or diminished. It is for the sake of this benefit that a woman or a man, a householder or one gone forth, should often reflect thus: ‘I am subject to old age; I am not exempt from old age.’
[Event] Chinese New Year Celebration (25th February 2018)

Dear Friends in the Dhamma
Sukhi hontu!
We are pleased to inform that we will be organising the 2018 Chinese New Year Celebration on Sunday, 25th February 2018 (10th day of the first lunar month) from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m..
To make this a meaningful and fruitful occasion, we have a series of programs lined up, including Paritta Chanting, Offering to the Buddha, Dhamma Talk by Sayalay Susila, Offering of Allowable Requisites to the Nuns, Meals Offering, Interactive session with Sayalay Susila and Meditation.
It is indeed a good opportunity for us to gather on this auspicious occasion where we are able to cultivate good virtues and develop our skills in the pursuit of mental and physical wellbeing.
We warmly welcome all of you to join the meaningful Chinese New Year Celebration.
To facilitate our preparation, please register on or before 31ST JANUARY 2018.
Click on https://goo.gl/forms/
Please see the event poster or check it out our website, www.sayalaysusila.net for more information.
For enquiry, call Sister Ai Poh at 6012-4938277 / Sister Siew Ling at 6019-4800280 or email appamadavihari@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing all of you at the special event.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
With metta
Board of Committee Members
Appamada Vihari Meditation Center, Penang
[Dhamma Talk] Four Foundation of Mindfulness Retreat @ AVMC (Dec 2017)
- Morning Puja
- Evening Puja
- Contemplation of Body (Anapanassati)English
- Contemplation of dhamma (5 Hindrances)PartI(English)
- Contemplation of dhamma (5 Hindrances)Part II(English)
- Contemplating Pain & Straightening out One’s View (PartI) (English)
- Straightening out One’s View (PartII) (English)
- Straightening out One’s View (PartIII) (English)
- 5 Ways of contemplation to overcome identity view
- Dependant Origination
- 4 factors to become Sotapan
- Q&A
Welcome to our new AVMC website!
Welcome to our new AVMC website! 😎
This is our first post.
😀 😀 😀
[Dhamma Talk] Catskills Retreat 2017 (Oct-Nov 2017)
- The two vehicles to liberation
- Four elements of meditation
- Letting go of identity view (1)
- Letting go of identity view (2)
- Letting go of identity view (3)
- Letting go of identity view (4)
- Comtemplation of mind- Cittanupassana (1)
- Comtemplation of mind- Cittanupassana (2)
- Comtemplation of mind- Cittanupassana (3)
- Comtemplation of feeling(1)
- Comtemplation of feeling(2)