[Dhamma Talk] Four Foundations Of Mindfulness Retreat 槟城四念处禅修营 @ AVMC (21st – 29th Dec 2019)

[Dhamma Talk] Four Foundations of Mindfulness Retreat / Satipatthāna / 四念处之修行 @ AVMC Penang (22nd – 31st December 2018)

Words of Wisdom from Sayalay Susīlā (during the COVID-19 pandemic)

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Radiating good thoughts to help oneself and others.

According to Abhidhamma, our thoughts can directly influence matter, not only within our bodies, but also beyond our bodies.

If we investigate what is happening in the world today, we may become convinced of the frightening possibility that our collective thoughts and actions are affecting the normal balance and rhythms of nature. Climate chaos, global warming, virus, and the repeated occurrence of natural disasters are mainly arising from the corruption in our own minds.

According to Ledi Sayadaw, the well-known 19th-century Burmese scholar-monk, in the manual of Cosmic order (Niyāma Dīpanī), karma can be classified in two ways, as that which affects only ourselves and that which “overflows” its boundaries and affects others (even inanimate things) as well. Indeed, he states, “When men become exceedingly corrupt in thought and deed, all the overflowing course of their karma rushes from this extensive earth up to the orbit of the moon, sun, and stars, antagonizing even the realm of space and the whole organic world of trees, etc.”. Please also see AN IV.70

These words are only a warning of what may come. It is hoped that humankind wakes from its dreams of greed, hatred, and delusion before it is too late. Otherwise we will end up turning the planet into a disaster-zone where life as we know it can no longer exist.

The good news is that if we improve our thoughts, words, and actions, that change will affect not only ourselves but others and the environment as well. For example, if we radiate thoughts of loving-kindness, wisdom, tolerance, compassion, contentment, and gratitude and develop these qualities in our daily lives, we might be able to counter some of the negativity that is creating many of the problems in the world. This would have a healing effect on everyone. The Buddha was known for his tolerance and compassion, emphasizing the importance of developing these qualities in our daily lives.

One meditation practice taught by the Buddha in particular can heal our hearts and minds and act as a balm healing the hearts and minds of others. It is called loving-kindness and compassion meditation (mettā karuna bhāvanā). For this meditation, we sincerely wish others be well, free from all fears, dangers, and free from all suffering.

Such good thoughts will produce many consciousness-born kalāpas. These particles will have a preponderance of fire-element. That fire-element can produce many generations of temperature-born kalāpas, internally and externally. These are manifested as good vibrations or energy emanating from us that have a positive effect on ourselves and others.

Mind leads the world.

The only way to effectively help oneself and others, to improve the world, to heal our wounded planet and save ourselves from destruction, is to radiate thoughts of love, wisdom, appreciation, compassion and gratitude towards all living beings, even to the great Earth itself, which has sustained life for so many generations. We are sisters and brothers in this world. Let’s start radiating good thought to oneself and others before too late.

Sabbītiyo vivajjantu sabbarogo vinassatu,
May all stress be dispelled,  may all disease be destroyed,

mā te bhavatvantarāyo, sukhī dīghāyuko bhava!
may no dangers be for you, may you be happy and live long!

Bhavatu sabbamaṅgalaṁ, rakkhantu sabbadevatā,
May there be every blessing for you, and may all devas protect you,

sabba-Buddhānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te!
by the power of all the Buddhas may you be safe forever!

Bhavatu sabbamaṅgalaṁ, rakkhantu sabbadevatā,
May there be every blessing for you, and may all devas protect you,

sabba-Dhammānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te!
by the power of  Dhamma, may you be safe forever!

Bhavatu sabbamaṅgalaṁ, rakkhantu sabbadevatā,
May there be every blessing for you, and may all devas protect you,

sabba-Saṅghānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te!
by the power of the Saṅghas, may you be safe forever!

By the power of your good deeds, may you be safe forever!

Words of Wisdom by Sayalay Susīlā (written on 28th March 2020)

[Event(活动)] 中文禅修营及佛法开示 @ Buddhist Maha Vihara

2 Days Meditation Retreat – “Contemplation of Feeling” (non stay-in)

中文禅修营及佛法开示 Mandarin Meditation Retreat & Dhamma Talk
指导老师 : 善戒法师 Conducted by : Sayalay Susīlā

受念处二日禅修营 (无需住宿)
日期 : 2020年4月25-26日
时间 : 早上8点15分 至傍晚 6点
地点 : 十五卑大佛寺

报名截止日期 : 2020年4月18日
– https://forms.gle/n478nPVURW69vL2y8
– 必须报名 . 额满即止 .
– 禅修者须穿白色上衣配素色长裤

佛法开示 Dhamma Talk – “心的神奇力量”
日期 : 2020年4月25日 Date : 25th Apr 2020
时间 : 下午4点 至 6点 Time : 4.00pm to 6.00pm
大众弘法 (无需报名.欢迎大众参与)
Public Talk. No registration required. All are Welcome.

2-Day Meditation Retreat – “Contemplation of Feeling” (non stay-in)
Date : 25th – 26th Apr 2020
Time : 8.15am to 6.00pm
Venue : Buddhist Maha Vihara (BMV), Kuala Lumpur. 123, Jalan Berhala, Bricksfields,50470, Kuala Lumpur

Registration Deadline : 18th April 2020
– https://forms.gle/n478nPVURW69vL2y8
– Registration is required. Registration closes when full capacity is reached.
– Participants are required to wear white shirt and dark coloured long pants

Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/Appamada.Vihari.Meditation.Center/photos/a.1070344092993576/3188297891198175/

[YouTube] 21st – 29th Dec 2019 – Four Foundations Of Mindfulness Retreat 槟城四念处禅修营 @ AVMC

Retreat Opening Instruction (Video URL: https://youtu.be/6qn_7GWDfFc)

The Four-element Meditation (Video URL: https://youtu.be/sl940zQEp8g)

Contemplation of Feelings (Video URL: https://youtu.be/g02qjGDwFLo)

Contemplation of Feelings (continue) (Video URL: https://youtu.be/g02qjGDwFLo)

Mindfulness (Video URL: https://youtu.be/atXT-lNIewU)

Summary and clarification (Video URL: https://youtu.be/u3WQvxldTg4)

01:10 About Anapanasati
08:28 Four-element Meditation
27:17 Discerning Five Aggregates
33:39 Contemplation of Feelings
44:34 Handling Common Mental States

[Event(活动)] 善戒法师一日禅修 One-Day Meditation Retreat by Sayalay Susīlā (Mandarin)

One-Day Meditation Retreat by Sayalay Susīlā (Mandarin)

日期 Date : 21/03/2020
时间 Time : 8am to 5pm
地点Venue : Klang & Coast Buddhist Association (KCBA) 巴生滨海佛学会 Lot 465 Km2 , Persiaran Tengku Ampuan Rahimah 41200 Klang, Selangor

报名Registration : http://bit.ly/39B1ytn
报名费 Registration Fee : 随喜
名额 Vacancies : 只限 100位。额满即止。主办单位将另行通知报名接受确认。

备注 Note : 参加者必须全程参与禪修活动。禅修者须穿白色宽鬆上衣配素色长裤。

询问处 For enquiries, contact : 林居士012-379676, 李居士 017-2568137

Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/Appamada.Vihari.Meditation.Center/photos/a.1070344092993576/3159297734098191/

[Event(活动)] 2020 Chinese New Year Celebration

2020 Chinese New Year Celebration

Date : 2020 Feb 8 (Saturday)
Time : 9:00am – 5:30pm
Venue : Appamada Vihari Meditation Centre, Balik Pulau, Penang

2020 农历新春庆典节日
日期 : 2020 年 2 月 8 日 (星期六)
时间 : 上午九点至下午五点三十分
地点 : 槟城正勤乐住禅林

For more information and registration 查询详情及登记 : http://bit.ly/avmc2020cny

Contact 联络 :
– Bro. Chii Yih (WhatsApp: 012-4728427),
– Sis. Khema Audrey (WhatsApp: +65 91193778)

Kindly note the following 请注意以下事项 :
1) Vegetarian dishes are preferred 鼓励素食, 蛋奶五辛无妨;
2) Kindly bring back the remaining of your dishes after lunch dana 请带回剩余食物;
3) Kindly park your car at the designated spot as detailed in our website 请把车停放于指定地方; https://www.sayalaysusila.net/retreat/direction/ ;
4) Feel free to invite your family and friends 欢迎邀请家人和朋友来参与.

Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/Appamada.Vihari.Meditation.Center/photos/a.1070344092993576/3164626703565294/

[Event(活动)] Gotong Royong / Dana

Gotong Royong / Dana

Gotong Royong / Dana

Date : 15th Dec 2019 (Sun)
Venue : AVMC Penang

Those who needs transportation please WhatsApp Bro Loh 0124073211
We also need yogis to clean up the meditation hall, dormitories etc besides gardening to get the center ready for the coming Dec retreat.
Sadhu to all the Bro and Sis in advance.

Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/Appamada.Vihari.Meditation.Center/photos/a.1070344092993576/3072128069481825/

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