3 Days 2 Nights Meditation Retreat 三天两夜禅修营 (6-8 July 2024)


📍 日期 Date (06.07.2024 – 08.07.2024)
报到时间 Check in time:06/07/2024,8:00 am – 8:30 am
离营时间 Check out time:08/7/2024,1:00 pm
📍 地点 Venue : ​马六甲梵行寺禅林 | Brahmavihara Monastery & Retreat Centre, Melaka
📍 指导语言 Medium of Instruction : 中文 Chinese
📍 报名费 Registration Fee : 免费 FOC
📍 联系人 Enquiry
Bro Boon Hai 012-706 1389
Bro Loo 014-294 8549
📍 网上报名 Online Registration

Kusala Day (28th April 2024)

A Blessed Amazing April to you! 🥰🎊🎉

This month’s Kusala Day would be on 28th April, Sunday.

Dhamma Talk starts at 10.30am, followed by Lunch Dana. Do bring some food to offer and share, ya. ☺🥙🍜

If you are keen to self-practise Meditation, you may come as early as 8.30am.

Details are in the poster attached.
If conditions allow, we may have short sharings on yoga tips to improve knee suppleness.
See you then.🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

祝福各位贤友 有个美好、吉祥 的四月!🎊🪷🎉🥰
今月 善心之日 是在 4月 28日(星期日)

佛法讲座于上午 10.30 开始,随后是午餐布施。请带一些食物来提供布施和分享,哦。 ☺🥙🍜

如果您热衷于自我练习禅修,您可以早在上午 8.30 就来。

如果因缘允许的话, 我们可以分想一些瑜伽小技巧来提高膝盖的柔韧性.
到时候见。  🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰

2024年9月 AVMC 8-Day Meditation Retreat 八日禅修营

Date (日期) : 15th to 22nd Sept 2024 (2024年9月15日至22日)

Venue地点: AVMC Penang

日期:2024年9月15日(星期日)至 2024年9月22日(星期日)
入营:2024年9月15日(星期日)下午2:30pm 到 5pm
离营:2024年9月22日(星期日)早餐后 10am
报名截止日期 :2024年8月14日

Sis Santha (+65 8138 2569)
Sis Hwa Siew (+6012 410 8206)
Bro Gunavira (+6014 358 1316)

Registration报名: https://forms.office.com/r/PJXkpXaYvg

Dhamma Talk – What advice to be given to a dying person to become a Noble one?

📅 Date: Sunday, 31st March 2024
🕒 Time: 8pm
📍 Location: Virtual
💬 Theme: What advice to be given to a dying person to become a Noble one?

No registration required.
to attend, please join
Zoom link
Facebook live

The event is jointly organised by TBCM, Seremban Sudhamma, Appamāda Viharī and Mahasatipatthana MSBS

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