Online Dhamma Talk (07/02/2025)

We are deeply honored to have our respected teacher, Sayalay Susila, to give us an online Dhamma talk”What is hindering our progress in the path? “during the Chinese New Year to the students and the public.
We are truly joyful and grateful. 🙏🙏🙏

日期Date: 7/2/25 星期五(Friday)

时间Time: 8:00pm

Language: Mandarin

No registration required. Click the link below or scan the QR code in the poster to join through AVMC FB live.

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!🙏🙏🙏

槟城正勤乐住禅林: 一日禅(23/2/2025) @ AVMC Penang

槟城正勤乐住禅林: 一日禅(23/2/2025)
🧘‍♂ Appamādavihari Meditation Centre Penang: 1-Day Retreat(23/2/2025)

🌻 共修一日禅 : 正念于呼吸
Together in a Day of Practice: Mindfulness in Breathing

📝报名链接 Registration link:

📅 日期 Date: 23/2/2025 (Sun)
⏰ 时间 Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
🏡 地点Venue: 槟城正勤乐住禅林 Appamādavihari Meditation Centre, Balik Pulau, Penang.
🙏 禅修导师:善戒尼师

Meditation instructor: Sayalay Susīlā
🪷 媒介: 华语
Language: Mandarin
📝 内容:禅修引导,开示,问答环节等
Guided Meditation, Dhamma Talk, Q&A etc
📌 截止日期 Deadline: 18/2/2025
☎ 联络 Contact: WhatsApp only

一日禅修营 ( One day retreat)观身无我 ~ 四界分别观 (Four Elements Meditation) @ KCBA, Selangor

日期 (Date) : 2 March 2025 (星期日) (Sunday) (8am~5pm)

地点 (Venue) :KCBA 巴生滨海佛学会 Lot 465 Km2 , Persiaran Tengku Ampuan Rahimah 41200 Klang, Selangor

媒介语 (Media) :中文 (Mandarin) (If English Medium could understand Mandarin, pls join)
备注 :
i. 7.45am 报到。(Registration)
ii. 需报名。报名费随喜
iii. 参加者必须必须全程参与禪修活动。禅修者须穿白色宽鬆上衣配素色长裤。

联络 (Contact) : +6012 3796766 (Bro. Lim)

报名可以以下衔接或扫描四维码 (Registration link)

Metta & Contemplation of Mind Retreat (@Villa Metta, Trawas, East Java)

Sayalay Susīlā, a renowned meditation teacher across the world, has kindly agreed to guide a Meditation Retreat in Indonesia once again. This time, it will be held at Villa Metta, Trawas, East Java.

Saddhādeyya Sahāya, in collaboration with the Buddhist Education Center, is delighted to facilitate the Metta Meditation and Contemplation on the Mind retreat, scheduled for March 14–18, 2025.

For interested yogis, please register via the following link:

The cost for meals and round-trip transportation from Surabaya to Trawas is IDR 750,000.

For more information, please contact:
📱 Dian Juliantine +62 823-3775-6888 (Indonesian)
📱 Feronica Laksana +62 811-164-432 (English)

2025 Chinese New Year Reunion @ AVMC

You’re Invited! 🌹

Join us for the 2025 Chinese New Year Reunion with our respectable Venerable Sayalay Susila and beloved kalyanamitta (noble friends). Together, let us welcome the Year of the Snake with warmth, gratitude, and a renewed spirit of community and fellowship.

📅 Date: Sunday, 9 February 2025 (12th day of the 1st Lunar month)
⏰ Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
🔔 Registration: Opens at 8:45 a.m.
📍 Venue: Appamada Vihari Meditation Center, Balik Pulau, Penang
☎ Contact: Sis. Ai Poh @ 012-4938277

We can’t wait to get together with you on this special occasion! 🙏

邀请函 🌹

诚邀您参加 我们的2025年春节大团圆,与尊敬的善戒法师 及亲爱的善友们 一同庆祝。让我们在这个特别的时刻,怀着感恩的心情,迎接蛇年,重温社区与友情的温暖。

📅 日期: 2025年2月9日(农历正月初十二), 星期日
⏰ 时间: 上午9:00 – 下午1:30
🔔 注册: 上午8:45开始
📍 地点: 正勤乐住禅林,槟城浮罗山背
☎ 联系方式: 爱宝师姐 @ 012-4938277


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