FTP Guest Account For Files Transfer

This is basically a temporary storage that can be used to transfer audio files, video files or photos easily between all the volunteers of AVMC. In this temporary storage, you can upload files that need to be transferred or download the files that have been transferred by someone else.

You can use any FTP client app that you have already installed previously. If you don’t have any, we would suggest to install either FileZilla (for PC Windows/Linux), CoreFTP (for PC Windows) or AndFTP (for Android) to use with this guest FTP account. The installation and setup steps are provided below.

Please note that you can upload, download and delete any files in this FTP guest account Home folder. So, please be careful not to remove any files that you do not own, or unsure of.

For upload:

Login to the guest FTP account (using any FTP client software), and upload the files that need to be transferred. To make it easier for us to organize the files and upkeep the guest account from time to time, please create a unique sub-folder when you upload your files, and you can easily inform the recipient the sub-folder name used for the files transfer session.

If you are using the suggested FileZilla or CoreFTP app:

  • The left-side window shows you the files on your local harddisk.
  • The right-side window shows you the files on your FTP server.
  • You can simply drag and drop your files from your Windows Explorer into the right-side window to upload them.
  • To create sub-folder (or also known as sub-directory), you can:
    • right-click on the right-side window and select Create Directory (for FileZilla), or
    • right-click on the right-side window and select Directory Commands > Make Directory (for CoreFTP)

For download:

Once you received some incoming transfer notification, you can go ahead and download the files by login to the guest FTP account (using any FTP client software). Please note that files stored here are not removed automatically for now. So, you would have some time to keep the files there until it is convenient for you to download them.

Once you have downloaded these files, please delete the files from this temporary storage. Otherwise, we may hit our storage limit soon.

If you are using the suggested FileZilla or CoreFTP app:

  • The left-side window shows you the files on your local harddisk.
  • The right-side window shows you the files on your FTP server.
  • You can simply drag and drop your files from your Windows Explorer into the right-side window to upload them.
  • To delete a file or folder, you can right-click on the files/folder on the right-side window, and choose Delete. (for both FileZilla or CoreFTP)

NOTE: Please do not keep the files for more than one month, as files older than one month may be removed without any further notice when we do some upkeeping and spring cleaning. If you need to keep the files for more than one month, please inform us ahead so that they will not be accidentally removed..

Thank you for your kind co-operation to make this file transfer usable by everyone here at AVMC.

FTP Clients Installation and Setup Instruction

Please note that you can use any FTP client app that you have already installed previously. If you don’t have any FTP client installed, we would suggest to install either one of these software/apps to use with the FTP Guest Account:

  • FileZilla (software/app available for PC Windows/Linux), or
  • CoreFTP (software/app available for PC Windows), or
  • AndFTP (app for Android)

The installation and setup steps are provided below. Please note that you only need to install only either one of these software/apps.

FileZilla (software/app available for Windows & Linux)

  1. Download free FileZilla Client software/app installer file (from https://filezilla-project.org/)
  2. Download FTP configuration XML file for FileZilla (from https://www.sayalaysusila.net/ftpconfig/filezilla-ftp-guest.xml).
    [NOTE: You may need to right-click on the link, and choose “Save Link As …” in your browser, if it doesn’t download the file, but opens it to display the file content instead.]
  3. Install FileZilla from the downloaded installer file (from step 1 – e.g. FileZilla_3.46.3_win64-setup.exe) – can choose all settings to Default settings during installation
  4. After installation completes, open the FileZilla app
  5. Import the FTP configuration by: Select File  > Import 
  6. Select the downloaded FTP configuration XML file (from step 2 – i.e. filezilla-ftp-guest.xml) and click Open.
  7. Click OK button on the Import Settings window.
  8. Click OK on the Import Successful window.
  9. To open a connection to your FTP server, select the Site Manager feature from the File menu (File ⇀ Site Manager).
  10. Select entry: ftp.sayalaysusila.net-ftp-guest
  11. Click the Connect button to connect to the Guest FTP account.
  12. Type the guest FTP password provided and click OK.

NOTE: To save your password in the configuration setting (so that you don’t have to type the password every time you try to connect to FTP), change the setting for Logon Type in Site Manager entry (ftp.sayalaysusila.net-ftp-guest) to save your password from Ask for password to Normal, and type in the password in the Password field.

CoreFTP (software/app available for Windows only)

  1. Download free Core FTP LE software/app installer file (from http://www.coreftp.com/download.html)
  2. Download FTP configuration file for Core FTP (from https://www.sayalaysusila.net/ftpconfig/guest@sayalaysusila.net.coreftp)
    [NOTE: You may need to right-click on the link, and choose “Save Link As …” in your browser, if it doesn’t download the file, but opens it to display the file content instead.]
  3. Install Core FTP LE from the downloaded installer file (from step 1 – i.e. coreftplite64.exe) – can choose all settings to Default settings during installation
  4. After installation completes, open the Core FTP LE app
  5. Open the Site Manager window by: Select Sites  > Site Manager
  6. Import the FTP configuration by: Right click on the Site Manager window left-side (Entries area), and select Import > Core FTP
  7. Select the downloaded FTP configuration file (from step 2 – i.e. guest@sayalaysusila.net.coreftp) and click Open.
  8. Click OK on the Import Successful window (it should says Read 1 sites).
  9. To open a connection to your FTP server, select entry: guest@sayalaysusila.net
  10. Click the Connect button to connect to the Guest FTP account.
  11. Type the guest FTP password provided and click OK.

NOTE: To save your password in the configuration setting (so that you don’t have to type the password every time you try to connect to FTP), change the setting for in Site Manager entry (guest@sayalaysusila.net) to save your password by unchecking the Don’t Save Password box, and type in the password in the Password field.

AndFTP (app for Android only) or any other FTP client software of your choice

For AndFTP (Android only) or any other FTP client software, you may have to key in the FTP Configuration manually as shown below:

Connection / Protocol: FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Host / Hostname: ftp.sayalaysusila.net
Username: guest@sayalaysusila.net
Password: ******** (Guest FTP account password provided)
Port (if required): 21
Mode (if required): PASV
Encryption (if required): None / Plain FTP (insecure)

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