File Transfer to AVMC
This is basically a temporary storage that can be used to transfer audio files, video files or photos easily between all the volunteers of AVMC. In this temporary storage, you can upload files that need to be transferred or download the files that have been transferred by someone else.
Preferred method: Recommended for transferring non-confidential and small/medium-sized files (< 2.0 GB in size)
If your file is smaller than 2.0 GB in size, you can use this preferred method of file transfer.
You can upload/download your files to our unique AVMC Anicca Box by clicking on the button below. There is no login required to use the AVMC Anicca Box, and it is available to everyone i.e. PUBLIC. So, please do NOT upload/download files there if there is privacy concern or confidentiality concern on the uploaded files.
Once you have uploaded the Dhamma talk video/audio file(s), please inform Bro Janaka Low ( to pick up the file(s) as soon as you can, so that he has enough time to pick up the file(s) before the expiry date.
Screenshots of AVMC Anicca Box

Alternative method: Recommended for transferring confidential files or for transferring larger files (> 2.0 GB in size)
To transfer confidential or larger files (larger than 2.0 GB in size) to AVMC, you can use this file transfer alternative method.
Please note that you will need to login with a username & password to use this alternative method of file transfer.
- Before starting to transfer the large file, you will need to request for a FTP Guest Account login & password first.
- Please contact any committee member or send us an email to request for the FTP Guest Account login & password.
- Once you receive the FTP Guest Account login and password, please refer to this detailed instruction page here on how to use the FTP Guest Account correctly.
Media Gallery (for use during meditation retreats and Dhamma talks)
- Contemplation on the 32 Parts of the Body (Dvattimsakaro) – PDF | PPT
- contemplate & visualize their foulness and repulsiveness nature, in groups, forward and in reverse order
- excellent for overcoming sensual pleasures especially lust
- also efficacious in subduing anger and hatred towards somebody
- Morning Puja (MP3)
- Evening Puja (MP3)
- 8 Precepts (八戒) – PDF | PPT
- 5 Precepts (五戒) – PDF | PPT
- Sharing of Merits (迴向功德) (PDF) – English & Mandarin
- Asking for Forgiveness (懺悔文) (PDF) – Mandarin only
- Chanting Book of Appamada Vihari Meditation Center, Penang (2nd Edition) – PDF | DOC (zipped)
- Chanting Book of Appamada Vihari Meditation Center, Penang (Latest Edition) – PDF
- Online Retreat Chanting Video – YouTube Video Link
Forgiveness Ceremony
- Forgiveness ceremony after a retreat (DOCX) – forgiving others & ourselves
Miscellaneous Resources
AVMC PA System Guidelines
- AVMC-PA-System-Guidelines-V2.pdf (PDF) – Please follow this guideline CLOSELY so that the PA system will continue to work without any issues for the next retreat. Thank you very much.
Pāli Fonts
- (ZIP) – may be needed for proper text display of files shared here
Dāna Forms
- Dāna form for retreats (XLS)
- Dāna form for Appamada Vihari (DOCX)
Establishing Appamada Vihari Meditation Center (Powerpoint Presentation)
- 3 September 2013 version (PPTX)
For any enquiry, please write to us using the online Contact Us form below, or email us at
Thank you.