📣 AVMC上座部佛法学修会初级班招生 (额满)📣
❤️ 欢迎大家踊跃报名❤️
- 学修会为长期活动,本次学习大约21周(3月-7月)
- 本次共修为每周三 7.30 – 9.30 晚上
- 本次学修统一用微信群,填写报名表前请准备好微信号码。
联系: Bro. Robin Tan (WeChat ID/微信号: robintanzero)
Events and Announcements (will be shown in Upcoming Events section automatically)
📣 AVMC上座部佛法学修会初级班招生 (额满)📣
❤️ 欢迎大家踊跃报名❤️
联系: Bro. Robin Tan (WeChat ID/微信号: robintanzero)
Welcome for a Self-Retreat at Sanctuary in the hills @ Balik Pulau, Penang.
Date: 1 Jan – 31 Mar 2022 (A minimum stay period of 30 days is encouraged)
Open to monastics and experienced meditators or practitioners (age between 18-60 years old).
Apply online here: https://forms.office.com/r/xFjdzJtZks
For enquiry, please contact: Sis Viveka (Whatsapp +60 11 2848 0831), or email appamadavihari@gmail.com
Sorry for accidental repost of old event last night. Please ignore the post. Thank you.
Four Foundations of Mindfulness – 2 Days Retreat (Non-Residential)
Date: 11/1/2020 – 12/1/2020 (no need to stay in)
Venue: Shah Alam Buddhist Society (SABS), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
Registration: https://forms.gle/B2Xa7oTdEcX3UAb29
Event Details:
Dhamma Talk – Mindfulness And Wisdom In Meditation And Daily Life (31st August 2021)
Pre-recorded Talk, Live Q&A.
No registration needed.
Join us at Facebook Live by scanning the QR code or by clicking this link:
主题: 培育正念与智慧和禅修引导
日期: 2021年9月19日
开始: 早上 8.00am 结束: 晚上9.00pm
活动: 开示、诵经、禅修指导、大众小参
9月19日早上8.00am直接登录禅修营Zoom链接: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6230000623
禅修营网站: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/?page_id=14297
Dear Friends,
The Appadama Vihari Meditation Center (AVMC) invites you to join us in the Dhamma study programs. AVMC have planned a few short courses for you. Namely, the Abhidhamma study, Moment to Moment practice and the 9 Attributes of the Buddha. These programs are delivered to you based on the book of the same title written by our teacher, a prominent Buddhist scholar and meditation teacher in Malaysia, Ven Sayalay Susila.
The participants are led into smaller groupings headed by a couple of facilitators whom will guide you in your study. The classes and group discussion are conducted via Zoom over a few weekends. These short courses are designed systematically. It aims to help you in the path to gain the right knowledge in the Buddha Dhamma. You will meet new friends who share the same interest as yours. We hope that you will grow spirituality together with the kalyana mitta in your group through-out the course
Metta cetana
Appamada Vihari Meditation Center
Penang, Malaysia
Online registration for the AVMC Dhamma study group programs
1) Abhidhamma Study group (Abhi)
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-abhi/
2) Moment to Moment Practice (M2Mp) in English
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-m2mp-en/
3) Moment to Moment Practice (M2Mp) in Chinese
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-m2mp-zh/
4) The 9 Attributes of the Buddha (9AoB)
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-9aob/
日期: 马来西亚/中国 时间 2021年7月17日 早 上9点
Zoom 会议链接:
Meeting ID: 886 5884 9833
Passcode: avmc123
Facebook 直播: https://www.facebook.com/events/930607967484318/
Date: 25-29 December 2021 (5 Days)
日期:2021年12月25 – 29日 (5天)
Theme: The Setting in Motion of the Wheel of the Dharma Sutta
开示主题: 《转法轮经》
Registration (报名): https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-dec-retreat/
Registration will close on 20-Nov-2021
报名截止: 2021年11月20日
第一阶段 上座部佛法基础修学 | |
1 | 慈心禅的修法(朝向快乐之道) |
2 | 修行的目的 |
3 | 布施 |
4 | 安般念 |
5 | 皈依 |
6 | 为何要持戒 |
7 | 戒学与因果(五戒、八戒基础) |
8 | 培养优良的品德、五戒十善与十福业 |
9 | 在生活中培养正念 |
10 | 随念佛陀的九种德行/早晚课 |
11 | 法的功德/早晚课 |
12 | 僧的功德/早晚课 |
13 | 三十一界之轮回 |
14 | 业 |
15 | 临终之业 |
16 | 对治烦恼 |
17 | 四无量心 |
18 | 刹那刹那之修行 |
19 | 从此岸到彼岸——认识五蕴 |
20 | 转法轮经 |
第二阶段 四念处的修习 | |
1 | 总述四念处 |
2 | 四威仪与四正知 |
3 | 不净观 |
5 | 四界分别观 |
6 | 四界分别观(行禅与用餐) |
7 | 受念处(你知道如何观照你的感受吗?) |
8 | 心念处(一)(洞见心之真相) |
9 | 心念处(二) |
10 | 法念处(一) |
11 | 法念处(二) |
12 | 法念处-五盖 |
13 | 法念处-五取蕴 |
14 | 法念处-五取蕴 |
15 | 法念处-十二处 |
16 | 法念处-七觉支 |
17 | 法念处-四圣谛(一) |
18 | 法念处-四圣谛(二) |
19 | 法念处-四圣谛(三) |
20 | 根修习经——面对悲欢离合怎么办 |
21 | 生死流转之过程——十二缘起 |
第三阶段 巴利三藏经文学习(善戒法师选定)
Important note: This event is closed due to over-subscription.
Activities: Pre-reading of the book, group sharing and discussion, and group meditation.
Commencing July 2021, 2 hours every fortnight, 7 meetings in total.
Participants will pre-read the book chapters to be discussed before joining the sharing and discussion in the class. A written reflection paper is to be submitted at the end of group study.
Sayalay Susila will attend occasionally for questions and answers.