
由柔佛民德佛学会(Metta Lodge) 筹办, Appamādaviharī Meditation Center (AVMC) 协办,以善戒法师之著作为蓝本的网络《随念佛陀的德行》 读书会,将于07-04-2022起,每逢星期四晚上8.00p.m. – 9.30p.m. 通过 Z o o m 与 您 空 中 相 会 ; 为 期 六 次 , 日 期 如下:

与您有约 每逢星期四 8.00p.m. – 9.30p.m.
第一课 07-04-2022
第二课 14-04-2022
第三课 21-04-2022
第四课 28-04-2022
第五课 05-05-2022
第六课 12-05-2022


  1. 为学员提供途径,有系统的学习佛教经典。
  2. 帮助学员树立对佛法的正见。
  3. 为居士提供一个交流平台,一起修行,共同进步。
  4. 使学员能够相互激励, 在修行中保持精进力

顾问:Brother Robin (AVMC)
协调员 (Metta Lodge):
• Dr. Woon Teck Kim (+60197118222)
• Brother Ken Ng
• Brother Teng Yew (+60125363050 )
• Sister Lian Li
• Sister GK Lim
• Sister Rachel Yap
• Sister Sumitra Kan (@60163712169)


注:截止日期: 31-03-2021

如有查询,请联络:Dr. Woon 019-7118222


[Online Dhamma Talk] Do you still carry the burden? Bhāra Sutta

How heavy is your burden? The heavier the burden, the more sufferings we face. According to the Buddha, each of us is carrying burdens through countless existences and we cannot remove them from our shoulders even for a while! What are the burdens that the Buddha meant? How do we remove these burdens? Sayalay Susila will reveal it all through the investigation of the Bhara Sutta.

Come and join us in this Dhamma talk:
📣 Title: Do you still carry the burden? Bhāra Sutta
📅 Date: 20.03.2022 (Sunday)
⏰ Time: 9:15am – 10:30am (UTC+8)

👉 Facebook link: sabs.org.my/20220320fblive
👉 YouTube link: sabs.org.my/20220320ytlive

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