[Event(活动)] 阿毗達摩研習營


日期:2019年4月27 ~ 28日(週六~週日)
時間: 9:30 ~ 11:30 AM, 2:00 ~ 4:00 PM
(11:30am ~ 12:30pm 敬備簡餐供僧及大眾)
地點: 美國菩提學會 1302 Lillian Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

1. 這是一系列連貫性的課程,學員必須全程參加。
2. 如果人數不夠,本課程有可能取消。

報名: 場地有限,請及早報名。請按此填寫報名表


課本: 可在開示當天購買。因為書本數量有限,將依報名次序決定購買者優先順序。

聯絡人: 簡嘉宏 Chiahon Chien email: MahabodhiSocietyUSA@gmail.com


[Event] Chinese New Year Celebration (25th February 2018)

Dear Friends in the Dhamma

Sukhi hontu!

We are pleased to inform that we will be organising the 2018 Chinese New Year Celebration on Sunday, 25th February 2018 (10th day of the first lunar month) from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m..

To make this a meaningful and fruitful occasion, we have a series of programs lined up, including Paritta Chanting, Offering to the Buddha, Dhamma Talk by Sayalay Susila, Offering of Allowable Requisites to the Nuns, Meals Offering, Interactive session with Sayalay Susila and Meditation.

It is indeed a good opportunity for us to gather on this auspicious occasion where we are able to cultivate good virtues and develop our skills in the pursuit of mental and physical wellbeing.

We warmly welcome all of you to join the meaningful Chinese New Year Celebration.

To facilitate our preparation, please register on or before 31ST JANUARY 2018.

Click on https://goo.gl/forms/AZHQbAqwoiS2FvQp1 to submit your registration form.

Please see the event poster or check it out our website, www.sayalaysusila.net for more information.

For enquiry, call Sister Ai Poh at 6012-4938277 / Sister Siew Ling at 6019-4800280 or email appamadavihari@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing all of you at the special event.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

With metta

Board of Committee Members
Appamada Vihari Meditation Center, Penang

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