📍 日期 Date
报到时间 Check in time:31/05/2025,8:00 am – 8:30 am
离营时间 Check out time:07/06/2025,4:00 pm
📍 地点 Venue
马六甲梵行寺禅林 | Brahmavihara Monastery & Retreat Centre, Melaka
📍 课程内容 Course Content
Meditation, Dharma Talks, Dana and Interview
📍 指导语言 Medium of Instruction
中文 Chinese
📍 报名费 Registration Fee
免费 FOC
📍 联系人 Enquiry
Bro Chew 019-657 3161
Bro Boon Hai 012-706 1389
📍 网上报名 Online Registration
2️⃣禅修营参与者需要挂单道场。All participants are required to stay in.
3️⃣成功被录取者将被另行通知。Successful applicants will be notified.
4️⃣报名后,若无故缺席,或提早离营者,将被主办单位列入黑名单,未来将不予考虑录取参与未来的修持活动。 After registration, individuals who are absent without valid reasons or leave the camp early will be placed on a black list, and will not be considered for participation in future meditation events. ‼️
5️⃣僧团将于1/6 及 7/6 早上9.00于马六甲梵行禅寺进行托钵,欢迎大众前来随喜供养。
Alms round will be held on 1/6 and 7/6 at 9.00am @Brahmavihara. All are welcome to do the offerings.