You’re Invited! 🌹
Join us for the 2025 Chinese New Year Reunion with our respectable Venerable Sayalay Susila and beloved kalyanamitta (noble friends). Together, let us welcome the Year of the Snake with warmth, gratitude, and a renewed spirit of community and fellowship.
📅 Date: Sunday, 9 February 2025 (12th day of the 1st Lunar month)
⏰ Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
🔔 Registration: Opens at 8:45 a.m.
📍 Venue: Appamada Vihari Meditation Center, Balik Pulau, Penang
☎ Contact: Sis. Ai Poh @ 012-4938277
We can’t wait to get together with you on this special occasion! 🙏
邀请函 🌹
诚邀您参加 我们的2025年春节大团圆,与尊敬的善戒法师 及亲爱的善友们 一同庆祝。让我们在这个特别的时刻,怀着感恩的心情,迎接蛇年,重温社区与友情的温暖。
📅 日期: 2025年2月9日(农历正月初十二), 星期日
⏰ 时间: 上午9:00 – 下午1:30
🔔 注册: 上午8:45开始
📍 地点: 正勤乐住禅林,槟城浮罗山背
☎ 联系方式: 爱宝师姐 @ 012-4938277