Dear Friends,
The Appadama Vihari Meditation Center (AVMC) invites you to join us in the Dhamma study programs. AVMC have planned a few short courses for you. Namely, the Abhidhamma study, Moment to Moment practice and the 9 Attributes of the Buddha. These programs are delivered to you based on the book of the same title written by our teacher, a prominent Buddhist scholar and meditation teacher in Malaysia, Ven Sayalay Susila.
The participants are led into smaller groupings headed by a couple of facilitators whom will guide you in your study. The classes and group discussion are conducted via Zoom over a few weekends. These short courses are designed systematically. It aims to help you in the path to gain the right knowledge in the Buddha Dhamma. You will meet new friends who share the same interest as yours. We hope that you will grow spirituality together with the kalyana mitta in your group through-out the course
Metta cetana
Appamada Vihari Meditation Center
Penang, Malaysia
Online registration for the AVMC Dhamma study group programs
1) Abhidhamma Study group (Abhi)
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-abhi/
2) Moment to Moment Practice (M2Mp) in English
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-m2mp-en/
3) Moment to Moment Practice (M2Mp) in Chinese
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-m2mp-zh/
4) The 9 Attributes of the Buddha (9AoB)
Link: https://www.sayalaysusila.net/forms/2021-sg-9aob/