Please register at http://bit.ly/2021Abhi1 or http://bit.ly/2021Abhi2 before 15-Feb-2021
LATEST UPDATES (20210413):
The above 2 links are full. Please register using this new link: http://bit.ly/2021Abhi4 .
Pre-requisite to sign up now: Have listened to the recording of the previous classes. Links provided below.
Class #1: https://youtu.be/B5Lt7ZPevAU
Class #2: https://youtu.be/LYF5y6ni2Wc
Class #3: https://youtu.be/azArs6s4oEg
Class #4: https://youtu.be/MShQMXQIOjw
Class #5a: https://youtu.be/5_xDABj0Ark
Class #5b: https://youtu.be/IL4f8Q6E-sA
Class #6: https://youtu.be/LHlzPRhvZTE
Thank you.
Supported by: Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

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