Appamāda Viharī Meditation Center

Penang, Malaysia

Buddha Sāsanam Cīram Tīttathu

Sabbe Sankhara Anicca, Sabbe Sankhara Dukkha, Sabbe Dhamma Anatta !
All conditioned phenomena are impermanent, All conditioned phenomena are unsatisfactory, All Dhamma are without self.
– Dhammapada Verse 277, 278 and 279 –


[09th October 2023] Please note that at the moment, we are closing yogi’s application for Personal Retreat until further notice. Please also take note that we do not offer short-term ordination.

Thank you for your kind understanding. 🙏🙏🙏



Sayalay Susīlā Teaching Schedule – 2024

Please also refer to the UPCOMING EVENTS section below for event details (where applicable). Thank you 🙏🙏🙏

(UPDATED 14 July 2024)

  1. 1-Day Retreat
    Date : 27th July 2024
    Venue : Buddhist Maha Vihara, Kuala Lumpur
    Language : Mandarin 华语
  2. 1-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
    Date : 26th August 2024
    Venue : AVMC, Penang
    Language : English & Chinese 中英双语
  3. 8-Day Meditation Retreat
    Date : 15th-22nd Sept 2024
    Venue : AVMC, Penang
    Language : Mandarin 华语
  4. 1-Day Retreat & Talk
    Date : 4th-5th Oct 2024
    Venue : Vimalakirti Buddhist Centre, Singapore
  5. 5-Day Retreat at Shanghai
    Date : 7th Oct – 6th Nov 2024
    Venue : China
    Language : Mandarin 华语
  6. 1-Day Retreat
    Date : 9th Nov 2024
    Venue : Xiamen University, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
  7. Meditation Retreat
    Date : 16th-24th Nov 2024
    Venue : Bojjhanga Bhavana Center, Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia
    Language : English & Bahasa Indonesia
  8. 8-Day Retreat (Theme: Satipatthana)
    Date : 22nd-29th Dec 2024
    Venue : AVMC, Penang
    Language : English


AVMC Dhamma Study Group – The Mangala Sutta (2024)

Platform: Online via Zoom

Date: 28 Sep 2024 – 01 Feb 2025
Every Saturday 9:00-10:30 a.m. (Malaysia time)

Enquiry Contact:
Bro Gunavira +60-14-3691316
Sis Dhammanandi +60-11-65040110

Registration link :

Cetiyacarika Buddhist Pilgrimage, India, Nepal (January 2025)

Embark on the “In the Footsteps of the Buddha” pilgrimage tour to India and Nepal. This journey will be led by Sayalay Susila, featuring Dhamma talks (in English and Chinese) and guided meditation. Pilgrims will also have the honor of being the main sponsor for a meal dana at the Karmapa Centre in Bodhgaya.

Date日期: January 3rd to 17th, 2025 (16 days/14 nights)

Enquiry/Contact 询问/联系人:
Bro How Eng Keong (+60-12-3852886)

Full Itinerary (in PDF – downloadable):

一日禅修《身念处: 正念培育》1-Day Retreat @ BMV, KL (2024年7月27日)

🌱一日禅修《身念处: 正念培育》

指导老师:善戒法师 Sayalay Susila

👉 参加《一日禅》者必须报名) 👈


地点:Buddhist Maha Vihara十五碑大佛寺
123, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
联络:03 2274 1141(办公室)

衣装 :白色上衣配素色长裤
费用 :随缘乐捐以持续弘法活动




Year End 8-Day Meditation Retreat (Dec 2024)

☸ Theme: Four Foundations of Mindfulness
🎤 Medium: English

🗓 Date: 22-29 Dec 2024
🕑 Check in 22 Dec 2-5pm
🕙 Check out 29 Dec after 10am

🏠 Venue: Appamāda Vihari Meditation Centre, Penang, Malaysia

🔗 Closing 30 Oct 2024 or when capacity is full, whichever is earlier.

📳Enquiries Contact:
Bro Terry +6591512000
Bro Victor +60126315035

2024年9月 AVMC 8-Day Meditation Retreat 八日禅修营

Date (日期) : 15th to 22nd Sept 2024 (2024年9月15日至22日)

Venue地点: AVMC Penang

日期:2024年9月15日(星期日)至 2024年9月22日(星期日)
入营:2024年9月15日(星期日)下午2:30pm 到 5pm
离营:2024年9月22日(星期日)早餐后 10am
报名截止日期 :2024年8月14日

Sis Santha (+65 8138 2569)
Sis Hwa Siew (+6012 410 8206)
Bro Gunavira (+6014 358 1316)


Mind is the forerunner of states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with a wicked mind, because of that, suffering follows one, even as the wheel follows the hoof of the ox. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, because of that, happiness follows one, even as one’s shadow that never leaves.
Dhammapada Verse 1
Mind is the forerunner of states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with a wicked mind, because of that, suffering follows one, even as the wheel follows the hoof of the ox. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, because of that, happiness follows one, even as one’s shadow that never leaves.
Dhammapada Verse 1

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